The Facebook page I want to connect to does not appear. What should I do?

First of all, you need to confirm that the integrated account has any admin role on the page you want. If you don’t have this access, sign in to an account that has this permission. If the pages still do not appear, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Facebook and go to “Settings” on the top-right menu. 
  2. There, look for “Business Integrations” and try to find Reportei.
  3. After finding it, click in “View and Edit” > “Manage your Pages” > “Show a list of the Pages you manage” (*if this option does not appear read the paragraph below this step). In this part, make sure that all the pages you manage are selected, and if not, select all pages. This will make Facebook understand that you are allowing Reportei to see all the pages you manage. This makes integration possible.
  4. After that, go back to Reportei at and go to your client to do Facebook integration. =)

After the integration process your pages should appear correctly and you can generate reports!

*If you don’t see the option to show list of pages you manage. Follow this walkthrough:

  • Access the “Business Integrations” page on Facebook and try to find Reportei. After finding it, click in the “X” to Remove it from your account. This will revoke Reportei’s permission to access your account.
  • Done that, come back to Reportei (, go to your client to integrate Facebook again. At this moment, you must integrate the account you have an admin role on the page you want to generate the report, OK? It’s essential to allow Reportei’s access to your information so Facebook send us the data for reports. =) 

After the integration process your pages should appear correctly and you can generate reports!

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