Reportei's Blog

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Analyze your sales with precision using our Pipedrive report
Picture of Livia França

Livia França

Analyze your sales with precision using our Pipedrive report
Find out which metrics are available and analyze your sales through Reportei’s Hotmart reports
We’ve got a new Reportei integration for you: breeze through monitoring your with our RD Station CRM reports
Learn about Facebook Business, the benefits of using it, and how to include it  in your marketing strategy
Here are some digital marketing tips for Black Friday 2022 to help you get the best results
Follower history is data that shows how strong your profile’s presence is. Check out some of the ways you can track this metric!
Looking to increase your Ads performance? Check out these strategies for a higher return on your paid traffic
Have you been considering switching from a personal Instagram profile to a professional account? Here’s how to do it step by step
Learn about the benefits of having a Social Media portfolio and check out our tips for putting one together
Any questions when it comes to analyzing Facebook Ads KPIs? Include these 5 in your report