- reportei
Learn about affiliate marketing and how it can help you earn more
Livia França
- reportei
Learn about affiliate marketing and how it can help you earn more
Livia França
- reportei
Learn how to edit graphs and tables for custom reports in Reportei
Livia França
- Analytics, reportei, Reports
Here are 5 steps for digital performance analysis.
Isabel Souza
- reportei, Social Media, Twitter
More than just producing social media content and posting regularly, you need to analyze the results of your activities. That’s when you gain valuable insights that help you improve strategies. You can do that for your Twitter profile by using Twitter Analytics.
Isabel Souza
Choose a Topic
- Analytics, Facebook, Facebook Ads, reportei, Social Media
Here’s how to extract information from and analyze reports on Facebook Ads Manager.
Isabel Souza
- reportei, Social Media, Tools
Here’s what you need to know about Reportei Academy and Precifiquei, the first course available on our platform.
Isabel Souza
- Analytics, reportei
Here’s how to use a Data-Driven Culture to make the best decisions for your business or clients.
Isabel Souza
- Analytics, Content Marketing, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, reportei
Efficient reporting software is essential for presenting data quickly and increasing your marketing team’s productivity.
Isabel Souza
- Analytics, reportei, Social Media
Are Reports and Dashboards the same thing? Find out everything you need to know about these two resources and how they can help you!
Isabel Souza
Isabel Souza