
5 Moments: The Routine of a Social Media Analyst

5 Moments: The Routine of a Social Media Analyst
The usage of social media is growing more and more. As a result, the need to organize the routine of a social media (a multifaceted professional that brings together a range of knowledge and work tools) also grows.

What is the Social Media Analyst Routine?

The usage of social media is growing more and more. As a result, the need to organize the routine of a social media (a multifaceted professional that brings together a range of knowledge and work tools) also grows.

Visiting websites and opening digital social network apps is a routine assumed by much of the world’s population. News feed, Stories and live broadcasts are environments in which we have contact to know the news: of our friends, places we go and brands we consume.

Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are examples of digital social network sites and apps that have enabled not only the popularization of online social network platforms, but also the strengthening (or even the emergence) of a profession so in vogue these days in companies of various branches: Social Media.

In order for the service of a Social Media to be effective, it is necessary that a routine be assumed. This day to day must be synchronized with the specifications and requirements of the client.

Social Media has functions such as: managing profiles on digital social network sites, content creation and community management. I’ll explain a bit more about how these functions fit the routine of a Social Media:

  1. Heating up the engines: starting the activities

The beginning of the routine of a Social Media is based on the specific needs of the clients. Maintaining a posting schedule and the development of content relevant to the brand are essential attitudes to achieve good results.

Keeping an updated agenda (whether digital or physical) helps in the activity grid. Anticipating certain actions can be a good strategy to take on early in the week. An example is to develop content in advance to meet customer requirements.

The use of media management programs (Hootsuite, Buffer and TweetDeck are examples), help in verifying the performance of the work developed and (through tools built into the platforms) it’s possible to comments, tweets and messages quickly and practically.

After the stage of planning and execution of the first actions of the day, the routine of a social media continues the actions according to the particularity of each agency, company or self-employed individuals.

  1. Creativity: the “soul” of it

Producing content for social networks requires a high degree of creativity. A range of formats can be used for users of a particular digital social network website and/or app to be invited to engage in: videos, links, photos and texts are the most common.

It is known that we currently live in a time where the smartphone is the main device used to have access to information and entertainment. Therefore, posts must be tailored to meet the settings required by digital social network companies. Examples of adaptations are: the size and proportion of text in the arts or photographs.

At this stage of the routine of a social media the commanding word is to optimize. We do not always have a graphic design professional ready to build the arts, meeting the standards demanded by the client. Therefore, having the at least knowledge on how to operate the basics of a few softwares (like Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator) is very important.

With a briefing “in hand”, Social Media is able to act in the best possible way in the construction of impact posts for the actions planned for the brand.

With the posts built, the next step is to distribute these contents. Keeping in mind certain metrics, this step is important to be aware of the specifics of each digital social network site.

  1. Distributing impact content on networks

Probably the platform on which most companies seek to invest is Facebook. However, it is known that capillarization of content is very important for the positioning of a brand in the digital environment.

BuzzFeed is a good example to follow. Their content can be found on various sites and social network apps, which favors the contact and the engagement that users will have with the published content.

Again the use of media managers are important allies for Social Media. Controlling the placement of a large range of profiles is an activity that requires patience and attention, so concentrating actions on a single platform helps optimize the routine of the professional.

Keeping files organized and a consistent workflow gives the digital social network operator the fluency needed to meet users’ peak viewing times on digital social network profiles.

  1. A boost for actions on social networks: Sponsored posts

The social media sponsorship feature is a feature that offers reach and engagement benefits.

In this phase of the routine of a Social Media is important to be aware of some parameters adopted by digital marketing, such as: the development of personas (for example).

Having access to the brand’s target audience of interest is essential to developing effective sponsored campaigns. Usually social network websites offer dedicated platforms (Facebook Business is an example). These platforms assist in the process of developing these campaigns by displaying relevant network data.

Having analytical skills is relevant to the digital social network operator. At this stage of the routine, you should pay close attention, as it is crucial to know the characteristics of each sponsorship platform.

  1. Delivering qualified results: The importance of reports

The delivery of reports can be considered the “laurels” of the activities carried out in the predetermined period.

Numbers and reports raised by the operator, demonstrates to the customer the success (or need of adaptation / improvement) of a given campaign.

Building these reports is not always a very easy task. Studying the numbers and observing the development of the results next to the platforms can be difficult. However, there are specific tools for generating these documents.

With Reportei, you can get these reports in a few seconds in an effective and practical way. Compatible with various social network sites, the tool becomes a valuable ally in the routine of a Social Media.

In short, the process adopted by Social Media has several stages. Such steps, interconnected, but which may alternate depending on the customer’s needs.

The exercise is to maintain the flow and organization so that the day to day is fluid and optimized for both the operator and professionals working directly and/or indirectly with the media area.

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