
Social Media Reports in 3 seconds?

When we created Reportei the main problem that we were trying to solve was: how to speed up the creation of social media reports?

Check how Reportei generates Social Media Reports in 3 seconds

When we created Reportei the main problem that we were trying to solve was: how to speed up the creation of social media reports?

The data was there but we had to search manually. It took a long time and we would lose the focus of what really mattered in creating reports: analyzing the data they showed. When you have to create, 5, 10, 20 reports in a single day, it gets complicated. But we have come to a solution!

In the video we demonstrate how simple is the process of selecting a social network (Facebook, in this case), data analysis and have the report ready in seconds.

To generate your own report, just click on our 3 day Free Trial.

What is Reportei?

Reportei is a social media reporting tool. The software has reports from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and websites through Google Analytics. The focus of the reports is to collect   quickly and expeditiously, in order to provide the analyst of social media data to present to companies and customers. In the tool there is also a section to write the analysis of the social media report.

Reportei’s social media reports are generated in a few seconds, which speeds up the social media analyst’s routine, who no longer needs to spend hours and hours checking all the metrics of all managed social media. Reportei’s reports are professional and easy to understand, in addition to relying on key social media metrics.

Use Reportei to speed up processes that were previously done manually when collecting data from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or websites. Bringing everything together in one report, the social media specialist will find it easier to analyze and propose digital marketing optimizations.

Want to test Reportei for free? Click here and generate your first report!

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