Google Analytics 4 Reports

Analyze your client’s site performance and gain valuable insights using our Google Analytics 4 reports

Companies that trust Reportei


No more wasting time!

Our new reports on Reportei sync up with the latest version of Google Analytics and its current approach to collecting data on the client journey.

Like with Google Analytics Universal reports, you can access all the key metrics and focus on each sale funnel stage.

It takes only three seconds to access data on attraction, engagement, monetization, and retention. Using our reports buys you time for strategic analysis and planning your next move.  

Get the inside scoop on our GA4 reports and join team Reportei! More than 4.000 freelancers and businesses use our reporting software daily to analyze social media campaign results and increase productivity.

There’s no time to lose! Start using our Google Analytics 4 reports to collect and analyze data more efficiently

GA4 report

Here are the metrics you can track through our Analytics 4 report

Our Google Analytics 4 reports are practical and grant you quick access to all the website Lifecycle metrics. They’re focused on the sales funnel stages from attraction to retention.


New users

Average engagement time

Page views

Number of events


Engagement sessions


Engagement rate

Custom event count


Events per session

Engaged sessions

Featured countries

Featured cities

Top events

Main conversions

Generate customized Google Analytics 4 reports

Best of all, you can customize our GA4 reports and include metrics, tables, and graphs, to suit your projects.

Add or remove data, customize and save templates as you please, and use them for any of your clients or projects.

Feel free to complement metrics by adding your interpretation of results through texts, images, or videos.

That way, you can enrich your reports, making for clear communication with clients or decision-makers, and keep them engaged with projects.

Make decisions more strategically

Using Google Analytics 4 reports will help improve your digital marketing strategies as a whole.

The GA 4 platform is specially designed to cover the stages of the buyer journey in depth. It collects data on the processes of attraction, engagement, monetization, retention, and, of course, client behavior. 

You can not only access the site performance data, but plan how to optimize your performance on different channels, conversions, and strategies for higher user retention.

Reports from Google Analytics 4: Present data to your client in a more practical way

Present in the daily routine of more than 4,000 agencies, freelancers, traffic managers, and companies, Reportei allows you to generate unlimited, professional, and customized reports to facilitate the communication of results with your clients.

That’s why our Google Analytics 4 report contains the most important information to demonstrate whether your strategy was successful or not, and which actions will be planned to achieve even better performance in the future.

To reflect the data in an objective and completely didactic way, you have some resources that adapt perfectly to your reality and that of your client, as described below:

Your benefits

In addition to Google Analytics 4 reports, you can also generate reports for Instagram, Facebook and Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, Google Ads, YouTube, LinkedIn and LinkedIn Ads, Google Search Console, Google My Business, Mailchimp, and RD Station. Find the perfect plan for your projects and generate comprehensive, customized, and objective reports for your clients!